This calendar is a central site for information about data science events and workshops across the 7Cs. Please look at each individual event to get information about location and registration. To post an event to this calendar contact
Virtual Event
GIS (or Geographic Information System) is a computer system that creates, analyzes, and displays geographic information and location-based data through maps. Thanks to massive data availability these days, GIS has become one of the most important tools for data-driven decision making. See some examples of how GIS is used: Through this 2-part workshop (basics and data exploration), you will learn about the basics of ArcGIS and create a special map using its analysis tool. We recommend you to take both workshops if you have not used GIS tools before.
QCL Literacy: L1-Visual Data
Instructor: Vanessa Casillas, Graduate Fellow of the Quantitative and Computing Lab at Claremont McKenna College
Target Audience
This workshop is designed for beginners to GIS. No prior knowledge is needed.
Required Software/Account
ArcGIS: To create an ArcGIS online account, please see this instructions page at Students, faculty and staff at CMC have free access to a wide variety of Esri GIS products. To learn more about the other tools, please contact Dr. Jeanine Finn <> at the Claremont Library.
Before you start:
Bring Computer with internet connection
Layers from ArcGIS online and Atlas